
pictureDblClick([control:    control-type input];
                picIndex:    Integer;
                whatClicked: Integer);

The pictureDblClick event is generated in a ListBox control or a ComboBox control when the picture area before the text of an item is double‑clicked with the mouse. (See also the itemPicture, hasPictures, hasTreeLines, and hasPlusMinus properties.)

If the area clicked is before the pictures or the start of the treeline for the item in a list box or a combo box, no events other than the mouseDown and mouseUp events are generated. Clicking this area does not expand or collapse an item.

The pictureDblClick event passes the index of the item being clicked and the picture that was double‑clicked, as listed in the following table.

ComboBox or ListBox Class Constant Index Picture
PictureClick_ItemPicture 4 ItemPicture, set by the itemPicture property
PictureClick_KeyBoard 5 Keyboard action
PictureClick_Picture 3 Picture, controlled by the hasPictures property
PictureClick_PlusMinus 1 Plus or minus picture, controlled by the hasPlusMinus property
PictureClick_TreeLine 2 Tree line of item, controlled by the hasTreeLines property

If both the hasPlusMinus and hasTreeLines properties are set, a value of 1 is returned when the plus or minus picture is double‑clicked, as this overlays the treeline area.

The picture images that are displayed depend on whether the item has subitems and whether the item is expanded or collapsed. See also the pictureClosed, pictureOpen, and pictureLeaf properties. Clicking or double‑clicking the picture does not select that entry.