
cellInputReady(table:        Table input;
               inputControl: Control input;
               cleft:        Real io;
               ctop:         Real io;
               cwidth:       Real io;
               cheight:      Real io);

The cellInputReady event of the Table control occurs after a cell containing a control referenced by the cellControl property becomes the current cell. The specified control is then resized to overlay the cell and is made visible before returning from this event method to initialize the cellControl control contained in the inputControl parameter for that cell.

If you create a table with a name 86 characters or longer and you then attempt to implement the cellInputReady event, a message box advises you that the name is too long. If this occurs, reduce the length of the Table control name before implementing the cellInputReady event.

The cellInputReady event method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
table The Table control that has focus
inputControl The control referenced by the cellControl property
cleft The left position of the control
ctop The top position of the control
cwidth The width of the control
cheight The height of the control

For details about automatically controlling a ComboBox or TextBox control assigned to a Table control as a cellControl property (for example, when performance is an issue when running in Jade thin client mode over a slow link), see the Control class automaticCellControl property.