
drawPictureIn(pict: Binary;
              x:    Real;
              y:    Real;
              x2:   Real;
              y2:   Real);

The drawPictureIn method of the Window class draws a picture stretched or compressed to exactly fit the rectangle bounded by the x, y and x2, y2 parameter values on a form or control. If this method is not called from a paint event, set the autoRedraw property to true.

The drawing mode defined by the mode of the drawMode property is used.

When running applications in Jade thin client mode, the picture that is drawn is cached on the presentation client.

The drawPictureIn method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
pict Picture image to be drawn
x, y Left and top corner of the drawing rectangle
x2, y2 Bottom and right corner of the drawing rectangle

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the drawPictureIn method.

form1.drawPictureIn(pic1.picture, 20, 20, 200, 300);