Form Properties

The properties defined in the Form class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
allMenuItems Contains an array of all menu items on the form
allowClose Contains the status of the Control-Menu Close command
allowDocking Controls the type of docking that is allowed by the window
backBrush Contains the bitmap to tile the background of the form
caption Contains the text displayed in the title bar of the form
clientHeight Contains the height of the client area of a form in pixels
clientWidth Contains the width of the client area of a form in pixels
clipControls Specifies whether the Windows environment creates a clipping region that excludes controls contained by the object
controlBox Specifies whether a Control-Menu icon is displayed on a form at run time
icon Contains the icon displayed for a form or sheet at run time
ignoreSkinAllControls Specifies whether the application skin is ignored for a form and all of its child controls, including dynamic controls
maxButton Specifies whether a form has a Maximize button
mdiChild Specifies whether a form is displayed as an MDI child form inside an MDI form
mdiClientScrollHorzPos Contains the horizontal scroll positions of the MDI client windows of a form
mdiClientScrollVertPos Contains the vertical scroll positions of the MDI client windows of a form
mdiFrame Specifies whether the form is always built as an MDI frame
minButton Specifies whether a form has a Minimize button
mdiPinned Allows access from your application logic to the pinned status of a form
minimumHeight Specifies the minimum height of the form in pixels
minimumWidth Specifies the minimum width of the form in pixels
modalResult Contains the returned value for the showModal method call in runtime forms that are initiated as modal
scaleForm Specifies whether the form and all of its contents are scaled to match the current font scaling attribute
scrollBars Specifies whether an object has horizontal or vertical scroll bars
scrollHorzPos Contains the position of the horizontal scroll bar
scrollVertPos Contains the position of the vertical scroll bar
secureForm Specifies whether the form is secure
showMdiCloseAllButPinnedMenu Specifies whether the Close All But Pinned command is displayed in the popup menu when a user right‑clicks on the caption of an MDI child form
showMdiCloseAllButThisMenu Specifies whether the Close All But This command is displayed in the popup menu when a user right‑clicks on the caption of an MDI child form
showMdiCloseMenu Specifies whether the Close command is displayed in the popup menu when a user right‑clicks on the caption of an MDI child form
showMdiDockMenu Specifies whether the Dock command is displayed in the popup menu when a user right‑clicks on the caption of an MDI child form
showMdiFloatMenu Specifies whether the Float command is displayed in the popup menu when a user right‑clicks on the caption of an MDI child form
showMdiPinMenu Specifies whether the Pin command is displayed in the popup menu when a user right‑clicks on the caption of an MDI child form
topLevelMenuItems Contains an array of all top‑level menu items on the form
webBrowserAutoRefreshInterval Specifies the number of seconds after which the web page is automatically refreshed
webBrowserAutoRefreshURL Specifies a string value containing the URL to invoke when the automatic refresh interval is reached
webBrowserDisableBackButton Specifies whether the previous web page is displayed when the user clicks the Back button
webEncodingType Contains the content type used to submit the form to the Jade application
webFileName Contains the name of the background image displayed on a web page
windowState Contains the visual state of a form window at run time

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.