Unsupported RTF Specification Features

Although the JadeRichText control can load any document that conforms to the RTF specification, you will not be able to fully edit some documents or they will not be displayed correctly.

The features contained in the following subsections are not supported.

Headers and Footers

Jade does not support headers and footers. Any header or footer contained in a document loaded into the JadeRichText control is preserved but is not visible and cannot be updated.


The display of a table inside a JadeRichText control is limited and table dimensions cannot be edited.

Users can insert and delete table rows using the keyboard but they cannot insert or delete columns.

As text does not wrap within a cell, text can overflow into neighboring cells.

Rulers and Toolbars

Most rich text applications (including Word and WordPad) provide a ruler and toolbar to assist in formatting text within the work area. These are generally other controls that work with the rich text control and are not part of it. Jade does not provide ruler and toolbar controls.


There are some minor restrictions when displaying rich text inside the JadeRichText control. Anything that conforms to the RTF specification is preserved.

To determine the abilities of the JadeRichText control, use the Microsoft WordPad application, which displays an RTF document with similar functionality to that provided by the JadeRichText control. (If WordPad can do it, the JadeRichText control can do it.)