TextBox Properties

The properties defined in the TextBox class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
alignment Contains the text position in the control
autoTab Specifies whether focus is automatically moved to the next control in the tab order of the form, or to the next accessible cell (for a TextBox control in a table)
case Contains the automatic case conversion of entered text
dataType Contains the type of data that can be entered by the user
decimals Specifies whether text is a decimal type numeric and the maximum number of decimal places text can have
formatOut Contains system-defined formats of data in text boxes during printing
hintBackColor Contains the text box back ground color when hint text is displayed
hintForeColor Contains the hint text color when hint text is displayed
hintText Contains the text displayed in an empty text box as a hint
integralHeight Specifies whether the text box height is an exact number of lines of text
maxLength Contains how much text can be entered
passwordField Specifies whether the characters typed by a user or placeholder characters are displayed
readOnly Specifies whether a control is read-only for user input
scrollBars Specifies whether an object has horizontal or vertical scroll bars
scrollHorizontal Specifies whether the text scrolls horizontally
scrollHorzPos Contains the position of the horizontal scroll bar
scrollVertical Specifies whether the text scrolls vertically
scrollVertPos Contains the position of the vertical scroll bar
selectionStyle Specifies whether selected text is highlighted when a control loses or gains the focus
selLength Contains the number of selected characters
selStart Contains the starting point of selected text
selText Contains the string containing the currently selected text
text Contains the text contained in the edit area
textOffset Contains the pixel offset of the left and right margins for text displayed in a text box
wantReturn Specifies whether carriage returns are passed to the text box when an enabled and visible default button is defined on the same form
webInputType Contains the type of input that is accepted by a text box control on a web page

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.