
The settings is a textual table that contains information for customizing the text editor for a specific programming language (for example, Jade, C, Perl, HTML, and so on). Each language has its own set of text styles and keyword lists, as well as some other language-specific items.

A built-in table of settings contains the information for the directly supported languages. You can retrieve this for display by calling the JadeTextEdit class getGlobalSettings method or the Application class getJadeTextEditGlobalSettings method. There are approximately 80K bytes of global settings. As the settings table is read-only, you cannot modify it.

In addition to the global table, each Jade application has a separate settings table, which is initially empty. A setting in the application table with the same key value overrides a matching setting in the global table. The application table is modified by using the Application class updateJadeTextEditAppSettings method or the JadeTextEdit class updateAppSettings method. The application settings table is shared by all instances of the JadeTextEdit control (or its subclasses) within the same Jade application. Use the JadeTextEdit class initializeAppSettings method to clear all entries from the application settings table.

The settings text consists of a series of key=value entries, separated by line delimiters (for example, the CrLf end‑of‑line sequence). Each entry consists of a key/value pair, separated by an equals (=) character. The value text can be split over multiple lines, using a backslash (\) character as the last character in a line to indicate continuation.

Both the key and value text can include text substitution, which is indicated by another key enclosed in parentheses preceded by a dollar character (for example, $(another.key)).

Comments can also be embedded, by using a crosshatch (#) character as the first non-blank character in the line.

The global setting table is generated from a selection of SciTE properties files.

You can add settings for other languages not included in the global properties table, by extracting the contents of the appropriate SciTE properties file.

Use the Application class getJadeTextEditOneSetting method to retrieve the value associated with a specific key.

Text substitution is performed on the value text but not on the key text.