Picture Properties

The properties defined in the Picture class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
cachePictures Specifies whether pictures are stored in a cache file when running in Jade thin client mode
clipControls Specifies whether the Windows environment creates a clipping region that excludes controls contained by the object
hyperlink Contains a hyperlink string that is programmatically attached to the picture control
picture Contains the graphic to be displayed
pictureCount Contains the maximum index of the picture array of the control
pictureDisabled Contains a graphic to be displayed when the control is disabled
pictureDown Contains a graphic to be displayed when the left mouse button is down over the control
pictureIndex Contains the picture that is displayed in a picture box
rotation Provides ability to rotate the current picture in the control
scrollBars Specifies whether an object has horizontal or vertical scroll bars
scrollHorzPos Contains the position of the horizontal scroll bar
scrollVertPos Contains the position of the vertical scroll bar
stretch Determines how a picture stretches to fit the size of the control
transparent Causes the control to be placed above all other sibling controls and the controls underneath to be visible
transparentColor Contains the color to be made transparent in a bitmap
webFileName Contains the name of the image that is to be displayed on the web page

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.