OleControl Events

Although the standard Window event methods summarized in the following table are defined in the OleControl class, when the OLE object is active, the server application rather than the OLE control receives the Windows messages, and the Jade events do not occur.

Event Occurs…
click When the user presses and then releases the left mouse button
dblClick When the user presses and releases the left mouse button and then presses and releases it again
dragDrop When a dragged window is dropped over a window belonging to the same application
dragOver For each window of the application over which a window is dragged
gotFocus When a control receives the focus
lostFocus When a control loses the focus
mouseDown When the user presses a mouse button
mouseEnter When the user moves the mouse onto a control
mouseLeave When the user moves the mouse off a control
mouseMove When the user moves the mouse
mouseUp When the user releases a mouse button
paint When part or all of a control is exposed
sysNotify When a specified Jade system event occurs
updated When an OLE object is saved in the Jade database
userNotify When triggered from the Jade Object Manager by a user call

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Events", later in this document.