JadeTextEdit Methods

The methods defined in the JadeTextEdit class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addText Adds the specified text to the contents in the specified manner
applySettings Applies the application settings to the text editor
bindKeyToCommand Assigns a key combination to a text editor command
bindKeyToNotification Assigns a key combination to a notification message
bindKeyToText Assigns a key combination to the specified text string
changeKeywords Modifies one of the current keyword lists
clearAllStyles Clears all text styles defined for the control
colorAs6Hex Returns a six-character hexadecimal string in the RGB format of the specified color
configureFor_Jade Performs basic configuration for Jade methods
configureFor_Text Performs basic configuration for plain text
convertEndOfLines Replaces all end-of-line characters in the contents with the specified characters
convertIndentWhitespace Changes the indentation whitespace as specified
copyDefaultToAllStyles Copies the default text style and all of its attributes to all other text styles
copyToClipboard Copies the selected text to the clipboard
cutToClipboard Cuts the selected text from the contents and moves it to the clipboard
doLinemarker Performs linemark actions (for example, set, go-to, and so on)
emptyUndoBuffer Clears the undo and redo action list
find Searches for the specified text in the contents
findAgain Searches for the text and parameter values reused from the most recent find, findMarkAll, or replaceAll method
findMarkAll Searches for the specified text and places linemarks where that text is found
getClipBuffer Returns the contents of the specified editor text buffer
getCoordinates Returns the coordinates of the requested location (in pixels) relative to the client area
getFileEncoding Returns the current file‑encoding values
getGlobalSettings Returns a copy of the global settings table
getLanguageName Returns the name of the specified programming language number
getLineHeight Returns the height in pixels of the specified line
getLineStartPosition Returns the zero-based character offset of the first character in the specified line
getLineText Returns the text contained in the specified line
getLinemarkLines Populates an array with each occurrence (position) of the specified linemark
getNamedAttribute Returns the value of the specified named attribute
getTextLength Returns the number of characters of text in the contents
getTextRange Returns the text in the specified range
getToggleKeyStates Returns the on or off state of the Insert, CAPS LOCK, NUM LOCK, and SCROLL LOCK keys
getWordAt Returns the word at the specified location (that is, the mouse pointer or the caret position)
initializeAppSettings Removes all entries from the application settings table
lineCount Returns the number of lines of text in the contents
lines Returns the height of the client area in lines
loadTextFromFile Replaces the contents of the text editor with the contents of the specified file
moveCaret Moves the caret to the specified position
pasteFromClipboard Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the text editor buffer at the caret position
recordReplay Reapplies the last operation that was undone
redo Reapplies the last operation that was undone
replace Replaces the most recent find match with the specified replacement text
replaceAll Searches for all occurrences of specified text in the contents and replaces it with the specified replacement text
restyleText Recalculates all of the text styling information for the contents using the current language setting
rgb Returns the red, green, and blue color values as an Integer value
saveTextToFile Saves the contents to the specified file
selectAll Selects all of the text in the text editor
setClipBuffer Sets the specified editor text buffer with specified text
setFileEncoding Sets the file kind and unicode BOM encoding to be used
setIndicatorAttributes Sets type and color attributes for an text editor indicator
setLinemarkAttributes Sets type and color attributes for text editor linemarks
setLinemarkLines Adds a linemark to each line in the specified list
setNamedAttribute Sets the specified named attribute to the specified value
setStyleAttributes Sets the attributes of a text style
setTextRangeToStyle Updates the current text styling for each character in the specified range with the specified value
setWordCharactersets Sets the characters that are treated as words, white space, and punctuation in the text editor
shareDocumentFrom Specifies the text editor control whose content is shared by this text editor control
undo Undoes the last edit operation
updateAppSettings Updates the application JadeTextEdit settings table

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document.