
createExcludedJcfFile(file: File): Boolean;

The createExcludedJcfFile method of the RelationalView class creates a Jade command file to exclude all tables and columns currently excluded in the RPS mapping.

This method does not apply to ODBC relational views.

The file represented by the file parameter must be initialized for output to a valid file name before the createExcludedJcfFile method is called. The method returns true if the command file is created successfully.

When the RPS mapping is loaded, which happens during a normal schema load, the exclusions must be reapplied. To do this, load the file created by the createExcludedJcfFile method using the batch Schema Load utility (jadloadb). For details, see "Site-Specific RPS Mapping Customization", in Chapter 2 of the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide.