
setReport(report: JadeReport) updating;

The setReport method of the Printer class captures all JadeReport object JadePrintDirect and JadePrintPage objects for storage, manipulation, or printing.

You can call this method before any print output is created, to set the JadeReport transient object into which any report output is stored.

If the printPreview property is not set to true, the print output is not sent to the defined printer and the JadeReport object retains the print output after the printer is closed. If the printPreview property is set to true, the print preview process occurs as normal and the JadeReport object retains the print output on completion.

The JadeReport data can be manipulated, stored, or printed to meet your requirements.

To store the printed output, a persistent copy of the report output must be made in the JadeReport, JadePrintDirect, and JadePrintPage subclasses.

Delete the JadeReport object when the process has completed. The delete process also removes the JadePrintData objects that it references.

When running in Jade thin client mode and your application calls the setReport method to indicate that user logic subsequently stores or manipulates the report output, each page of output is transferred to the application server. (For details about optimizing print preview performance, see "Previewing Print Output", later in this section.)

When you use the formatOut property =pagenofm or =totalpages option for formats of data in text boxes or labels and the report is being stored in the database (that is, the report uses the Printer class setReport method), output is retrieved from a temporary file and stored in the database only after the printer is closed. (This is most evident when running in Jade thin client mode, as the printed output must be retrieved from the presentation client and passed to the application server at the end of the report rather than page by page as the report is produced.) For details, see the TextBox class or Label class formatOut property.