Object Methods

The methods defined in the Object class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
autoPartitionIndex Returns the partition index of the database file partition in which the receiver is stored on creation
beginClassNotification Registers the receiver to be notified when a nominated event occurs on instances of a class and its subclasses
beginClassNotificationForIF Registers the receiver mapped to the userNotification and sysNotification methods of the theInterface parameter to be notified when a nominated event occurs on instances of a class and its subclasses, rather than to those of the subscriber
beginClassesNotification Registers the receiver to be notified when a nominated event occurs on instances of a class and optionally its subclasses, without any additional searches for subschema copies in the current schema
beginClassesNotificationForIF Registers the receiver mapped to the userNotification and sysNotification methods of the theInterface parameter to be notified when a nominated event occurs on instances of a class and optionally its subclasses, rather than to those of the subscriber
beginNotification Registers the receiver to be notified when a nominated event occurs on a specified object (or all objects) of a class or its subclasses
beginNotificationForIF Registers the receiver mapped to the userNotification and sysNotification methods of the theInterface parameter to be notified when a nominated event occurs on instances of an object, rather than to those of the subscriber
beginTimer Arms a timer on the receiver, and registers the receiver for timer notification
beginTimerForIF Arms a timer for methods mapped to the timerEvent method of the theInterface parameter, rather than to that of the subscriber
causeEvent Causes a user event
changeObjectVolatility Changes the volatility state of the specified persistent object
class Returns the class of the receiver
cloneSelf Creates a new instance of the same type as the receiver but does not invoke constructors
cloneSelfAs Creates a new instance of the specified class, copying attributes defined in a "common ancestor" class, but does not invoke constructors
copySelf Creates a new instance of the same type as the receiver, invoking constructor methods if defined
copySelfAs Creates an instance of the specified class, invoking constructor methods if defined, and copying attributes defined in a "common ancestor" class
creationTime Returns the date and time as a timestamp that the receiver was created
creationTimeUTC Returns the date and time at which the receiver was created as a Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timestamp value
deletePropertyValue Sets the value of the property specified by the name parameter to null
display Returns a string containing a description of the receiver
edition Returns the edition of the receiver as an integer value
endClassNotification Ends a notification registered using a beginClassNotification method for the corresponding parameters
endClassNotificationForIF Ends a notification registered using a beginClassNotificationForIF method for the corresponding parameters
endClassesNotification Ends a notification registered using a beginClassesNotification method for the corresponding parameters
endClassesNotificationForIF Ends a notification registered using a beginClassesNotificationForIF method for the corresponding parameters
endNotification Ends a notification registered using a beginNotification method for the corresponding parameters
endNotificationForIF Ends a notification registered using a beginNotificationForIF method for the corresponding parameters
endNotificationForSubscriber Terminates all notifications registered by a specified subscriber for the corresponding parameters
endTimer Terminates a timer that was initiated by using the beginTimer method for the corresponding parameters
endTimerForIF Terminates a timer that was initiated by using the beginTimerForIF method for the corresponding parameters
exclusiveLock Attempts to acquire an exclusive lock on the specified object
getClassForObject Returns a reference to the class of the object identifier (oid) specified in the obj parameter
getClassNumberForObject Returns the class number of the specified object
getInstanceIdForObject Returns the instance identifier of the specified object as a Decimal value
getInstanceIdForObject64 Returns the instance identifier of the specified object as an Integer64 value
getLockCallStack Returns the lock call stack for a specified locked object
getLockStatus Gets the status of the specified lock for the current process
getModifiedBy Returns a string containing the user name of the user who modified the receiver
getName Returns a string containing the class of the receiver
getObjectStringForObject Returns a string representing the specified object as an oid-like string based on class numbers followed by an optional lifetime indication
getObjectVolatility Returns the volatility state of the specified object
getOidString Returns the object id (oid) of the receiver in a string format
getOidStringForObject Returns the object id (oid) in a string format for the specified object
getOwnerForObject Returns the owner (parent) for the specified collection
getPropertyValue Returns the value of the property specified by the name parameter
getTimerStatus Returns the status of a specified timer if it is currently active
getTimerStatusForIF Returns the status of a specified timer that was initiated using the beginTimerForIF method, if it is currently active
getUpdateTranID Returns the transaction identifier of the transaction that created or last updated the receiver
hasMembers Returns true if the specified persistent, exclusive collection has any members
inspect Opens an Inspector form for the receiver object
inspectModal Opens a modal Inspector form for the receiver object
invokeIOMethod Sends the specified target method containing a variable list of parameters to the receiver, after switching to the specified targetContext execution context
invokeMethod Sends the specified target method containing a variable list of parameters to the receiver, after switching to the specified targetContext execution context
isImportedObject Returns true if the specified object is an instance of an imported class
isKindOf Returns true if the receiver is the kind of the specified class
isLockedByMe Returns true if the executing process is the owner of the lock on the specified object
isObjectFrozen Returns true if the volatility state of the specified object is frozen (that is, it is not updated)
isObjectNonSharedTransient Returns true if the specified object is a non-shared transient instance
isObjectPersistent Returns true if the specified object is a persistent instance
isObjectSharedTransient Returns true if the specified object is a shared transient instance
isObjectStable Returns true if the volatility state of the specified object is stable (that is, it is not updated frequently)
isObjectTransient Returns true if the specified object is a shared or a non-shared transient instance
isObjectVolatile Returns true if the volatility state of the specified object is volatile (that is, it is often updated)
isSharedTransient Returns true if the receiver is a shared transient object
isSystemObject Returns true if the receiver is an instance of a system class
isTransient Returns true if the receiver is a transient object
jadeReportWriterCheck Returns true when reimplemented in user subclasses for object instance security of Jade Report Writer reports
jadeReportWriterDisplay Returns the text of the combo box entry for each object returned by the Application class jadeReportWriterParamObjects method
latestEdition Returns the latest edition of the receiver
lock Attempts to acquires the specified type of lock for a specific object
makeObjectFrozen Changes the volatility state of the specified object to frozen
makeObjectStable Changes the volatility state of the specified object to stable
makeObjectVolatile Changes the volatility state of the specified object to volatile
moveToPartition Moves the receiver to the specified partition
reserveLock Attempts to acquire a reserve lock on the specified object
respondsTo Returns true if the receiver’s class or its superclasses implement the specified Jade interface
resynch Marks the receiver as obsolete
resynchObject Marks the specified object as obsolete
sdeCauseEvent Causes an inter-system event notification in a Synchronized Database Environment (SDE)
sdsCauseEvent Causes an inter-system event notification in a Synchronized Database Service (SDS)
sendMsg Sends the specified message (a valid method) to the receiver and executes the specified method or condition
sendMsgWithIOParams Sends the specified message (a valid method or condition) with a variable parameter list to the receiver and executes the specified method or condition
sendMsgWithParams Sends the specified message (a valid method or condition) with a variable parameter list to the receiver and executes the specified method or condition
sendTypeMsg Sends the specified message (a valid type method) to the receiver and executes the specified method
sendTypeMsgWithIOParams Sends the specified message (a valid type method) with a variable parameter list to the receiver and executes the specified method
sendTypeMsgWithParams Sends the specified message (a valid type method) with a variable parameter list to the receiver and executes the specified method
setPartitionID Specifies the absolute partition ID in which to locate the receiver
setPartitionIndex Specifies the partition in which to locate the receiver
setPropertyValue Sets the property of the receiver to the specified value
sharedLock Attempts to acquire a shared lock on the specified object
sysNotification Called by the system when a subscribed system event occurs
timerEvent Invoked by the system when the timer period expires
tryGetPropertyValue Returns the value of the specified property, if it exists; otherwise returns false
tryLock Attempts to acquire a lock of the specified type
unlock Removes the current lock from the specified object
updateLock Attempts to acquire an update lock on the specified object
updateObjectEdition Increments the edition of the specified object by one (1)
userNotification Called by the system when a subscribed user event occurs
version Returns the version of the object