Node Class Constants

The constants provided by the Node class are listed in the following table.

Constant Description
Architecture_32Big_Endian 32‑bit big‑endian internal byte ordering and alignment
Architecture_32Little_Endian 32‑bit little‑endian internal byte ordering and alignment
Architecture_64Big_Endian 64‑bit big‑endian internal byte ordering and alignment
Architecture_64Little_Endian 64‑bit little‑endian internal byte ordering and alignment
Architecture_Gui Binary data passed in the byte order of the GUI system (currently Windows 32‑bit little‑endian)
ExternalProcess_Failed External process failed, due to an exception (modal parameter is set to true)
ExternalProcess_InitiateFailed External process failed to initiate
ExternalProcess_InitiateOK External process initiated successfully (modal parameter is set to false)
ExternalProcess_InvalidParam Invalid parameter in the external process
ExternalProcess_Successful External process was successful (modal parameter is set to true)
OSUnknown Operating system is unrecognized or cannot be determined
OSWindows Operating system is Microsoft Windows
OSWindowsEnterprise Operating system is Microsoft Windows 11, Windows 10, or any Windows Server version
OSWindowsHome Operating system is Microsoft Windows 98 (not a supported operating system)
OSWindowsMobile Operating system is Microsoft Windows CE (not a supported operating system)
Role_Replay Replay node role
Role_Standard Standard node role
Role_Unknown Unknown node role
Type_Undefined Undefined
Type_DatabaseServer Database server (jadrap or jadserv)
Type_ApplicationServer Application server (jadapp or jadappb in multiuser mode)
Application server and database server (jadapp or jadappb in single user mode)
Type_StandardClient Standard client node (jade in multiuser mode; not as a thin client)
Type_StandardClientAndDatabaseServer Standard client node and database server (jade in single user mode)
Type_NonGuiClient Non‑GUI (jadclient) node
Type_NonGuiClientAndDatabaseServer Non‑GUI (jadclient) node and database server
Type_DatabaseAdmin Database administration (jdbadmin) node
Database administration (jdbadmin) node and database server

Non‑GUI nodes include user‑written executables that use the Jade Object Manger API (C++) and the Jade .NET API (C#).