
Type: Binary

Availability: Read or write at any time

The picture property of the MenuItem class contains a graphic to be displayed in a menu.

The picture property settings are listed in the following table.

Setting Description
(none) No picture (the default).
Any valid picture format (that is, .bmp, .cur, .ico, .jpg, .png, .wmf, .gif, and so on) Specifies a graphic. You can load the graphic from the Picture list box in the Menu Item sheet of the Jade Platform development environment Menu Design dialog. At run time, you can set this property, by using the loadPicture method on a bitmap, icon, metafile, or other valid picture.

When setting the picture property from Jade Painter, the graphic is saved and loaded with the form. When you load a graphic at run time, the graphic is not saved with the application. The graphic can be set by setting the picture property of the control to the picture property of another control, or by using the loadPicture method.

For menus, the picture can be any valid picture format; for example, a bitmap, icon, cursor, or metafile. The picture is drawn at actual size, except for a metafile, which is scaled to fit the menu line size. Menus are drawn in four columns, as follows.

checkMark : picture : text : accelerator text

The width of each column is defined to be the maximum of all the displayed items in that popup menu.

See also the picture property defined in subclasses of the Window class.