
Type: String

Availability: Read or write at any time

If a help keyword is provided for a menu, the helpKeyword property of the MenuItem class contains text that is used to access the help file when the user presses F1 for help while the menu item is selected.

The current keyword is the value of the helpKeyword property for the object that has the focus or a selected menu item. If the helpKeyword property is empty and its helpContextId property is set to zero (0), Jade looks in the helpKeyword property (and the helpContextId property) of the form of the object. If no help keyword or context number can be found, the Contents section of the help file is requested. If the helpFile property of the Application class is not set, no help file is opened. If the helpContextId property is also set, the keyword is used in preference to the context number.

This property can be translated when the value of the Schema class formsManagement property is FormsMngmt_Single_Multi (2).

When help is requested, if the help file specifies a:

For more details, see "Creating Context Links to Your Own Application Help File", in Chapter 2 of the Development Environment User's Guide.

Building a help file requires the Adobe Acrobat application, Microsoft Windows Help Compiler, or any other Windows help compiler.