
Type: String

The actor property of the JadeWebServiceSoapHeader class contains the URL of the SOAP header recipient. Use this property when you do not intend all parts of a SOAP message to be sent to the ultimate destination of the SOAP message but to one or more intermediaries on the message path.

Only the consumer of a SOAP header can receive the SOAP header; that is, a consumer of a SOAP header cannot forward the header to the next application in the SOAP message path. The consumer can insert a similar header, which can be provided to another consumer of the SOAP header.

The value of the SOAP header actor is a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI). The special URI indicates that the SOAP header is intended for the first SOAP application to process the message.

If you do not specify an actor of the SOAP header, the recipient (consumer) of the web service provider is the ultimate destination of the SOAP message.