JadeSkinMenu Class

The JadeSkinMenu class holds the skin definitions drop-down and popup menus.

Windows system menus are drawn by Windows and are not skinned.

If the JadeSkinForm class myMenuSkin property is null (a reference to the JadeSkinMenu class), drop‑down and popup menus are drawn using the skin menu color and font properties of the form, with a border style of BorderStyle_3DRaised (3).

You can skin drop-down menus and popup (context) menus, as follows.

The JadeSkinArea class backColor property defines the background color to be used to draw the background of non-selected and enabled menu items in the drop-down or popup menu. The default value of Default_Color for this property indicates that the default background color is defined by the form skin menuBackColor property. If that property is also set to Default_Color, the Windows default background color is used.

For details about the properties defined in the JadeSkinMenu class, see "JadeSkinMenu Properties", in the following subsection. For details about defining and maintaining skins, see "Defining and Maintaining Jade Skins at Run Time", in Chapter 2 of the Runtime Application Guide.

