
closeAsynch(receiver: Object;
            msg:      String);

The closeAsynch method of the JadeSerialPort class closes a connection to a remote application and returns immediately. When the connection is closed, the object specified in the receiver parameter is sent the name of the callback method specified in the msg parameter.

The closeAsynch method can be called when the connection is in any state. Although you can call the closeAsynch method while the connection is in any state, there can be no other pending asynchronous call active at the time (for example, there is no current timeout pending for a readBinaryAsynch or readUntilAsynch method).

When the closeAsynch method completes, the user-written callback method specified in the msg parameter is called.

On asynchronous calls, the state may not change immediately, and it can remain Connected (2) for a short period until Jade has rescheduled the request.

The callback method must match the signature required by the calling closeAsynch method, as follows.

closeCallback(connection: Connection);

The following example shows the use of the closeAsynch method to set the variable conlog to reference a ConnectionLog object, create the object, and initialize its properties if no such object exists.

closeAsynch_click(btn: Button input) updating;
    conlog : ConnectionLog;
        conlog := ConnectionLog.firstInstance;
        if conlog = null then
            create conlog;
            conlog.numberOfListenCalls  := 0;
            conlog.numberOfOpenCalls    := 0;
            conlog.numberOfCloseCalls   := 0;
            conlog.numberOfBinaryReads  := 0;
            conlog.numberOfBinaryWrites := 0;
    // Closes the current connection and returns immediately.  When
    // the connection is closed, the ConnectionLog object referenced
    // by conlog is called and told to run the updateCloseCalls method.
    self.connection.closeAsynch(conlog, "updateCloseCalls");
    statusLine1.caption := "Disconnected";