
processRequest(httpIn:     String;
               queryStr:   String;
               pathIn:     String;
               methodType: String);

The processRequest method of the JadeRestService class is called to process the received message. Although you can reimplement the method to allow the application to pre‑process the input, you must call the JadeRestService implementation, by using the inheritMethod instruction, to complete the processing.

REST service messages can contain only public and read‑only properties that are going to be serialized. Protected properties are excluded from the serialization process.

The parameters for this method are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
httpIn The string returned from a web browser request as a result of a PUT, POST, or DELETE action on a web page. When there is no such action, the string that is returned is the same as the value returned by the queryString parameter. This information can include an XML or JSON script used to populate an object parameter called on the required method.

The string returned as a result of the selection of a hyperlink or the entry of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) on the address line of the web browser.

pathIn The path part of the URL used to construct the method name and its primitive type parameters; for example, customer/123.

The type of the request; that is, GET, PUT, POST, or DELETE.