JadeRestRequest Methods

The methods defined in the JadeRestRequest class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
addBearerToken Adds a bearer token (for example, a JSON Web Token) to the REST request.
addFormUrlData Adds object properties as (key, value) pairs when consuming a REST service that requires the application/x‑www‑form‑urlencoded content‑type.
addHeader Adds or modifies the header specified in the key parameter with the value specified in the value parameter.
addMultipartFormData Adds content when consuming a REST service that requires the multipart/form‑data content‑type.
addObjectParam Adds an object to the HTTP body when consuming a REST service that requires the application/json or application/xml content‑type. The object is serialized into JSON or XML, depending on the content‑type.
addQueryString Adds a parameter to the query string part of the URI.
addURLSeg Adds a value for one of the parameters contained within the REST API URI.
create Instantiates an object of the JadeRestRequest class.
getAllHeaders Returns all headers that will be included in the REST request that are able to be modified.
getHeaderValue Returns the value of the header specified in the key parameter if it has been set.
isHeaderForbidden Specifies whether the header specified in the header parameter is one that is forbidden and cannot be modified.
replaceDefaultDiscriminator Replaces the default value of the discriminator with a new value.
setAcceptHeader Sets the Accept header to the value specified in the value parameter.
setContentTypeHeader Sets the Content‑Type header to the value specified in the value parameter.
setPaginationKeyAndLimit Sets the limit query string for the request to the value specified in the limit parameter and adds a query string for the key and value pair specified in the keyName and keyValue parameters.
setPaginationLimitOnly Sets the limit query string for the request to the value specified in the limit parameter.
setPaginationOffsetAndLimit Sets the limit query string for the request to the value specified in the limit parameter and adds a query string for the offset specified in the offset parameter.
setPragmaHeader Sets the Pragma header to the value specified in the value parameter.
setUserAgentHeader Sets the User‑Agent header to the value specified in the value parameter.

2020.0.01 and higher