JadeRestRequest Class Constants

The constants provided by the JadeRestRequest class are listed in the following table.

JadeRestRequest Class Constant Value
AddHeader_Forbidden 1
AddHeader_Success 0
ContentType_FormUrlEncoded "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
ContentType_JSON "application/json"
ContentType_JSON_Any "application/*+json"
ContentType_JSON_PATCH "application/json-patch+json"
ContentType_MultipartFormData "multipart/form-data"
ContentType_OctetStream "application/octet-stream"
ContentType_XML "application/xml"
DataFormat_FormUrlEncoding 5
DataFormat_JSON 3
DataFormat_JSONN 4
DataFormat_JSON_Any 8
DataFormat_JSON_PATCH 11
DataFormat_MultipartFormData 6
DataFormat_OctetStream 7
DataFormat_PDF 12
DataFormat_Text_JSON 10
DataFormat_Text_Plain 9
DataFormat_Unknown -1
DataFormat_XML 1
DiscriminatorJSON "__type"
DiscriminatorJSONN "$type"
JadeRestApiFormat_JSON ".JSON"
JadeRestApiFormat_Newtonsoft ".JSONN"
JadeRestApiFormat_XML ".XML"
QueryString_SortAscending "sort_dir=asc"
QueryString_SortDescending "sort_dir=desc"

The AddHeader_Success constant is returned from the addHeader method when the header was successfully added or modified.

The AddHeader_Forbidden constant is returned from the addHeader method when the header cannot be modified due to it being forbidden, as some HTTP headers cannot be modified programmatically. These are normally the headers that are set automatically during processing. The special forbidden headers that cannot be modified are listed at:


2020.0.01 and higher