
setSecurityObject(securityObject: Object) updating;

The setSecurityObject method of the JadeReportWriterManager class sets the object (specified in the securityObject parameter) that is to be passed to the Object class jadeReportWriterCheck method during the query phase of the Jade Report Writer process.

The Jade Report Writer keeps a reference to the security object reference set when the securityObject method is called. The security object is used whenever the Jade Report Writer needs to check security access to something. This reference is held in the internal equivalent of the user app object, so needs to be valid for the life of the application.

Instead of deleting it after calling the Jade Report Writer startReportWriterConfiguration or startReportWriterDesigner methods, it would be best to create it once and hold a reference in the user app object or equivalent, and reuse this instance so it stays valid. It can be deleted at the end of the application.