JadeDbFilePartition Methods

The methods defined in the JadeDbFilePartition class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
allInstances Populates an object array with references to objects stored in a database partition
backupFilePartition Backs up a single partition of a physical database file
certifyFile Initiates the certification of a single database partition
disableAuditing Disables auditing associated with object operations performed for the partition
display Returns details about a single database partition
drop Removes objects in the global partition index, removes the partition, and marks it as deleted

Re-enables the auditing associated with object operations

freeze Converts a partition to read-only mode, after which no object update, delete, or create is permitted
getBackupTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database partition was last backed up
getCreationTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database partition was created
getFileLength Returns the size of a single physical database partition
getFileStatus Returns the status of a single physical database partition during the backup process
getFreeSpace Evaluates the available free space in a single database partition
getFullBackupTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database file was last backed up
getLabel Returns the logical label associated with the database partition
getLocation Returns the file system path assigned to the database partition
getModifiedTimestamp Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database partition was last updated
getName Returns the name of the database partition
getStatistics Returns statistics on reads of single database partition activity
getTotalFileLength64 Returns the total bytes occupied by the database partition file


Returns true if auditing associated with object operations is enabled
isFrozen Returns true if the associated partition is frozen
isOffline Returns true if the associated partition is offline
markOffline Marks a partition as officially absent so that it can be taken offline
markOnline Marks a partition as present after it has been brought back online
move Changes the location attribute and moves the partition to the specified destination
purgeInstances Executes a bulk‑removal operation that performs the required side‑effects of deleting each object in the partition without deleting them from the database
remove Removes the empty partition from the database file
setLabel Changes the logical label associated with the database partition
setLocation Changes the default or designated physical location of a database partition
thaw Restores the database partition to its default active state