
remove(value: MemberType) updating;

The remove method of the ExtKeyDictionary class searches the external key dictionary for the object entry specified in the value parameter with null values in its associated key or keys. If a matching entry is found, the object is removed from the dictionary. If it is not found, a 1301 exception is raised (Entry not found in collection).

This method is useful only when objects have been added to the dictionary by using the ExtKeyDictionary class add method and the dictionary contains a single entry or it has been defined to allow duplicate key entries.

If you insert objects by using the ExtKeyDictionary class putAtKey method, you should use the matching Dictionary::removeKey or Dictionary class removeKeyEntry method to remove the entries, as these methods enable you to specify the external keys to be used for the search operation.

The following is an example of the use of the remove method.


The remove method is defined at the Collection class level to provide closure and is inherited by all subclasses of collection. However, use of the Collection class remove method with external key dictionaries is not recommended because the method signature does not allow for the specification of external keys.

As external key dictionaries are not automatically maintained by the Jade system, it is your responsibility to manually remove the entry from the dictionary when a member is deleted.

To remove duplicate keys, use the Dictionary class removeKeyEntry method.