
defineLongDateFormat(showDayWithLeadingZero: Boolean;
                     monthFormat:            Integer;
                     formatOrder:            Integer;
                     separator1:             String;
                     separator2:             String;
                     separator3:             String;
                     showFullYear:           Boolean;
                     dayOfWeek:              Integer) updating;

The defineLongDateFormat method of the DateFormat class enables you to dynamically define the characteristics of a long date format. (For details about returning a string containing the receiver in the supplied date format, see the Date primitive type userFormat method.) When the EnhancedLocaleSupport parameter in the [JadeEnvironment] section of the Jade initialization file is not defined or it is set to false, inconsistent results could be returned to the application server when running in Jade thin client mode and there are regional overrides, as all overrides on the application server are suppressed.

Set the showDayWithLeadingZero parameter to true if you want the day of the month to be displayed with a leading zero if it is less than 10. If you do not want to display a leading zero, set this parameter to false.

If you do not set the monthFormat parameter to one of the following valid DateFormat class constant values, DateFormat.MonthFullName is assumed.

If you do not set the formatOrder parameter to one of the following valid DateFormat class constant values, DateFormat.DayMonthYear is assumed.

When the longFormatOrder property is set to DayMonthYear (1), use the separator1, separator2, and separator3 parameters to specify a string of up to five characters that is to be displayed between the day name and the day of the month, the day of the month and the month name, and the month name and the year, respectively. If the strings contain any of the d, M, y, g, h, H, m, s, or t characters, these characters are removed. If the strings are longer than five characters, they are truncated to five characters.

When the longFormatOrder property is set to MonthDayYear (0) or YearMonthDay (2), separator1 goes between day name and the date part (or in front of date, if the format specified in the longFormat property contains no day name), separator2 goes between first two parts of the date (that is, day and month, month and day, or year and month, depending on the value of the longFormatOrder property), and separator3 goes between last two parts of the date (that is, month and year, day and year, or month and day, depending on the value of the longFormatOrder property).

Set the showFullYear parameter to true if you want to display a full four-digit year or set it to false if you want to display a two-digit year.

Use the dayOfWeek parameter to specify whether the full name of the day of the week, the short name, or no day of the week name is to be displayed. If you do not set the dayOfWeek parameter to one of the following valid DateFormat class constant values, DateFormat.FullDayOfWeek is assumed.

Although the Windows environment does not allow dates earlier than 1601 (Date primitive type format methods return "*invalid*"), Jade stores dates that are 1600 or earlier.