
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The webMinimumResponseTime property of the Application class contains the maximum time a web browser user has to wait before a response must be sent back to that user from the Jade application, triggered by a timer event. The minimum response time value represents the time in seconds.

By default, requests do not time out; that is, the default value of zero (0) indicates infinity.

When the timer event occurs, a default message is sent back to the browser and the current request is terminated. You can override the default message that is sent to the browser user by reimplementing the Application class minimumResponseTimeExceededMsg method in the Application subclass of your user-defined schema.

As it uses a timer event, Jade relies on you relinquishing control (by calling the doWindowEvents method). If your logic is in a tight loop, for example, the timer event may be unable to be executed at the required interval.

You can set the value of this property dynamically at run time or you can set it from the Jade Platform development environment by using the Minimum Response Time text box in the Web Options sheet of the Define Application dialog.