Exposed Jade Properties

Each exposed Jade property is defined in the C# class in the Jade Properties region. Each property has an accessor and mutator (that is, a get method and a set method).

The data type of the property is based on the Jade type. The conversions for Jade primitive types are listed in the following table.

Jade Type .NET Type
Binary Byte[]
Boolean Boolean
Byte Byte
Character Char
Date DateTime
Decimal Decimal
Integer Int32
Integer64 Int64
JadeBytes JoobBytes
MemoryAddress <not supported>
Point Point (defined in JadeSoftware.Jade.DotNetInterop)
Real Double
String String
StringUtf8 String
Time TimeSpan
TimeStamp DateTime
TimeStampInterval TimeSpan
TimeStampOffset DateTimeOffset

The generated code varies depending on the Jade property type. The following example shows an exposed Jade property.

[JadeSoftware.Joob.Client.JoobPropertyAttribute("myTender", typeof(Tender), DatabaseTypeName="Tender")]
public Tender MyTender
        return this.GetPropertyReference<Tender>(_metaModel.myTender);
        this.SetPropertyReference(_metaModel.myTender, value, false);