Appendix A    Mapping Jade Primitives to CLR Data Types

This appendix describes the mapping of Jade primitive types to Common Language Runtime (CLR) data types.

CLR Type Jade Primitive Type Conversion Notes
Boolean Boolean  
Byte Byte  
Int32 Integer  
Int64 Integer64  
Double Real  
Decimal Decimal

CLR decimals are in the range approximately -7.9x10^28 through 7.9x10^28. Jade decimals are in the range -10^23 - 1 through 10^23 - 1.

A .NET Decimal value has 96 bits and can have up to 29 significant digits. Jade supports Decimal properties with values with up to 23 significant digits. If necessary, Jade rounds decimal values on assignment to the number of decimal places defined on the property.

Char Character  
String String, StringUtf8  
Char[] String, StringUtf8  
DateTime Date, TimeStamp The time part of a CLR DateTime is lost when saving to the database.
DateTimeOffset TimeStampOffset  
TimeSpan Time, TimeStampInterval The Jade Time type supports only CLR TimeSpan values in the range 0:00:00 through 23:59:59. (There may be an overflow or data loss saving data to the database.)
Byte[] Binary