Browsing and Maintaining an Exported Package

You can browse and maintain an exported package by using the Export Package Browser instead of the Export Package Definition Wizard.

The easiest way to maintain an exported package by using the Export Package Browser is to have an open Class Browser for the schema from which the exported package was defined and an open Export Package Browser positioned beside it.

You then simply drag and drop the classes and features that you want to include in your exported package from the Class Browser to the Export Package Browser and change the class and property attributes to meet your requirements.

To browse or maintain an exported package by using the Export Package Browser

  1. Open a Class Browser for the schema in which the package is defined.

  2. Open an Export Package Browser by performing the following actions.

    1. Select the Packages command from the Browse menu.

    2. Select the Export Package command from the submenu that is then displayed.

      The Export Packages Browser window is then opened, displaying all exported packages defined in that schema.

    3. Select the Browse command from the Packages menu. (The Browse command is disabled if the schema does not contain any exported packages.)

    An Export Package Browser, shown in the following image, is then opened.

    Use the Export Package Browser to browse the selected exported package as you would any other Jade entity (for example, the Primitive Types Browser or the Methods Browser).

    For details about using the Export Package Browser to maintain attributes of classes and properties, see "Maintaining a Class in the Export Package Browser" or "Maintaining a Property in the Export Package Browser", later in this section.

  3. To add a class or feature displayed in the Class Browser to the exported package displayed in the Export Package Browser, perform any of the following actions (noting that you cannot export protected properties and methods).

    • While holding down the Ctrl or the Shift key, select the class in the Class List of the Class Browser and drag the class to the Class List in the Export Package Browser.

      All properties, methods, and constants defined in that class are also copied to the Export Package Browser, where classes are displayed in green, indicating that they are part of the exported package working set.

      As only the selected class is copied, you must repeat this action for each subclass of the selected class that you want to include in the exported package working set.

    • While holding down the Ctrl or the Shift key, select the feature (property, method, or constant) from the appropriate list in the Class Browser and drag the feature to the Export Package Browser.

      Repeat this action for all features that you want to add to the working set.

    • Right‑click in a list in the Export Package Browser and then select the Add command from the popup menu that is then displayed.

      Alternatively, select the Add command from the Classes, Properties, Constants, or Methods menu accessed from the Export Package Browser.

      The Add entity-name to Package dialog is then displayed. The dialog title reflects the type of entity that you want to add; for example, the Add Method to Package dialog.

      The following image shows an example of the Add Class to Package dialog.

      All entities in the current schema are listed in the Select Required Entry list box, with those already included in the working set disabled from selection. Select the entity that you want to add to your exported package or enter the first character or the first few characters of the entity name in the Find text box to position that entity in the visible area of the Select Required Entry list box.

      When you click the OK button, the selected entity is then added to the appropriate list in the Export Package Browser. (Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selection.)

      Repeat this action for each entity you want to add by using the dialog. (Note that when you add a class by using this dialog, no features defined in that class are added to the exported package so you must individually add each feature of that class that you want to include.)

    You can maintain attributes of a class or property included in the exported package working set from the Export Package Browser. For details, see "Maintaining a Class in the Export Package Browser" or "Maintaining a Property in the Export Package Browser", in the following subsections.

  4. To add an interface to the exported package displayed in the Export Package Browser, right‑click in the classes and interfaces list in the Export Package Browser and then select the Add Interface command from the popup menu that is then displayed.

    The Add Interface to Package dialog is then displayed. All interfaces in the current schema are listed in the Select Required Entry list box, with those already included in the working set disabled from selection. Select the interface that you want to add to your exported package or enter the first character or the first few characters of the entity name in the Find text box to position that entity in the visible area of the Select Required Entry list box.

    When you click the OK button, the selected entity is then added to the classes and interfaces list in the Export Package Browser. (Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selection.)

    Repeat this action for each interface you want to add.

  5. To remove a class or feature from the exported package working set, or to remove an interface, perform the following actions.

    1. Select the item in the Export Package Browser that you want to remove.

    2. Right‑click on the item and then select the Remove command from the popup menu that is then displayed. Alternatively, select the Remove command from the Classes, Properties, Constants, or Methods menu, as appropriate.

    The Confirm message box is then displayed, prompting you to confirm the deletion of the selected class or feature from the exported package working set.

    Click the OK button to confirm the deletion or the Cancel button to cancel the deletion.

    When you confirm the deletion, the selected item is then removed from the exported package and it is no longer displayed in the Export Package Browser.

    If you selected a class for removal from the working set, all properties, methods, and constants defined in that class and previously included in the working set are also removed.

    Repeat these actions for all classes, features, and interfaces that you want to remove from the package.

For details about locating a class in the current schema, see "Locating a Class", later in this section.

For details about exported packages, see "Exported Package Overview" under "Exported and Imported Packages", earlier in this chapter. For details about using a wizard to define or maintain an exported package, see "Exporting a Package Using the Export Package Definition Wizard", earlier in this chapter.