webService Option

The webService method option indicates that the Jade method specifies a web services method; that is, one that is defined in a subclass of the JadeWebService class or one of its subclasses. (For details, see "Creating Web Service Methods", in Chapter 11.)

You can specify any type of parameter (that is, constant, input, io, or output) for a web services method. For details, see "Parameters", earlier in this chapter.

The method does not require a return value because the web service uses the HTTP protocol (which always requires a response) and a reply is always sent to the web service consumer. Primitive parameters that are io or output are also sent back in the response as are object parameters that are not constant.

You can also specify this method by using the Web Service check box in the Jade Method Definition or Condition Definition dialog. For a web services class, this option is set by default.

Methods declared on the JadeWebService class and its subclasses that are marked as web service methods cannot have a return type of Any and cannot have parameters of type Any.

The following example shows the use of the webService option in a method signature.

getClients() webService;