Structural Changes to Classes Without Instances

When a structural change is made to a class on the primary that does not have instances, the class is not versioned; this applies to changes made in the Jade Platform development environment and to schema loads performed using the Schema Load utility (that is, jadload and jadloadb) with the Only Structural Versioning load style.

If the class is part of an RPS mapping, it is versioned even if it has no instances. This is required for the RPS Datapump application to behave correctly.

Although the structural change does not cause a reorganization on the primary, a special audit record is written to the journal. When this audit record is replayed on the secondary, all user applications are shut down and sign-on is disabled in readiness for the transition step of the schema instantiation.

The reason for shutting down the applications is not because a reorganization is required, but because the applications must be restarted in order to use the new and changed class definitions.

To restart the applications on the secondary, a different audit record must be written to the journal on the primary. This is accomplished by running a non-GUI jadclient application on the primary, specifying the following:

jadclient path=database-directory ini=Jade-initialization-file-path server=multiUser schema=RootSchema app=JadeReorgApp startAppParameters action=auditEnableSecondaryApps

The replaying of this audit record on the secondary restarts all server applications.

For more details about automating the schema instantiation process, see "Reorganizing the Database from the Command Line", in Chapter 3 of the Development Environment User's Guide.