Displaying a Hierarchical Web Service Exposure Browser

You can display a hierarchical Web Services Exposure Browser that lists only the classes, properties, constants, and methods in the selected exposure.

To display a hierarchical Web Services Exposure Browser

The hierarchical view of your web service exposure is then displayed in a browser similar to the Class Browser, as shown in the following image, which is an example of the initial form of the browser.

The initial form of the hierarchy Exposure Browser displays:

Other than your Jade color preferences, the form does not offer other display options supported by the hierarchy Class Browser or the options that are specified on the Browser sheet of the Preferences dialog.

When you press F4 to search for a class by name, the search results return only the classes in the exposure when this form has focus.

To display a composite view of entities in a versioned schema, select the Show Composite View command in the View menu. For details, see "Toggling the Display of a Composite View of the Hierarchy Exposure Browser", in Chapter 17 of the Development Environment User's Guide.

An example of entities displayed in the composite view of the hierarchy Exposure Browser is shown in the following image.

2016.0.01 and higher