Specifying or Removing a Summary and Description for each Path

The third sheet of the OpenAPI Generation Wizard is the Paths sheet, shown in the following image, which enables you to specify a summary and description of each path (method), remove any paths you want to exclude from the specification, and specify a description for parameters of any path that has them.

The values derived from the Jade REST class as well as your specified path (method) summary and description values are generated in the "paths" section of the OpenAPI specification.

The Paths list box displays the paths (methods) that are defined in the Jade REST class described in the OpenAPI specification.

To modify the summary and description for a path

  1. Select the path in the Paths list box.

    The name of that path’s method is then displayed under Path Name, any current values of the summary and description are displayed in the Path Summary and Path Description text boxes, and the Parameters list box is populated with the parameters of that path, if any.

  2. In the Path Summary and Path Description text boxes, specify the required summary and description of the path.

  3. To apply your changes, click the Save button on the left of the sheet.

To modify the description of parameters for the selected path (method)

  1. Select the required parameter in the Parameters list box.

  2. In the Parameter Description text box, specify the description you require for the parameter.

  3. To save the parameter description without saving any other changes to the path, click the Save button on the right of the sheet.

To exclude the selected path from the OpenAPI specification

To abandon your changes and revert to the path default values

For details about the tags for REST API class paths (methods), see "Setting Default Values for API Documentation Information", elsewhere in this chapter.

To proceed to the next sheet of the wizard

Alternatively, you can click on the tab of any sheet of the wizard at any time to navigate directly to that sheet.

2020.0.02 and higher