Removing a Web Service Consumer

From the Web Service Consumer Browser, the Remove command in the Consumer menu enables you to remove (delete) the web service consumer that is currently selected.

To remove a web service consumer

  1. In the Web Service Consumer Browser, select the consumer that you want to remove.

  2. Select the Remove command from the Consumer menu. Alternatively, press the Delete key.

    A message box is then displayed, to enable you to confirm that you want to remove the specified web service consumer page.

  3. Click the OK button in the Confirm Delete message box to confirm that you want to delete the consumer. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon the deletion.

The Web Service Consumer Browser is then updated to reflect the removal of the selected consumer. All classes related to this consumer are also deleted.

Alternatively, you can use the batch Jade Schema Load (jadloadb) executable, the JadeSchemaLoader application in jadclient, jade, or the Application class startApplicationWithParameter method to specify a Jade Command File (JCF) that contains the name of a web service consumer to be deleted. For details, see "Delete WebServiceConsumer Command", in the Schema Load User's Guide.