ISO 8601 Date and Time Support

Jade supports the ISO 8601 format (specified in as well as the MicrosoftDateFormat for Date, Time, TimeStamp, and TimeStampOffset primitive types returned from a web service. To maintain the behavior of earlier releases, you can still use the old MicrosoftDateFormat.

The use of the ISO 8601 format is enabled on the Define Application dialog for your REST web application by checking the Use ISO 8601 Time check box on the Web Options sheet. This check box is unchecked by default. The ISO 8601 format functionality is displayed on the Web Options sheet of the dialog only when the application selected in the Application Type list box on the Application sheet of this dialog is Rest Services or Rest Services, Non‑Gui.

When the Use ISO 8601 Time check box is checked, the application formats all Date, Time, TimeStamp, and TimeStampOffset primitive types in ISO 8601 format rather than MicrosoftDateFormat.

In addition, when a TimeStamp is returned from the web service in ISO 8601 format, it includes time zone offset information, similar to a TimeStampOffset. This is required because the consumer of the web service would not otherwise know the time zone to which the TimeStamp is local. As such, all TimeStamp primitive types are converted to UTC time and an offset included that represents by how many hours and minutes to offset the TimeStamp to get to local time.

You can specify the time zone that should be assumed for TimeStamp primitive types by typing or selecting the appropriate time zone IANA name from the Timestamp TimeZone combo box on the Web Options sheet of the Define Application dialog. The combo box is populated with Etc/UTC (Z) as well as the time zone in which the database server is located. You can select any time zone you require, by typing it in full.

The JadeJson class provides the following properties and method to enable the ISO 8601 format.

2022.0.01 and higher