Generating Web Services Description Language (WSDL)

A Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file is generated for each selected web service exposure from the properties and options defined for that exposure.

The Unicode version of Jade generates UTF‑8-encoded WSDL files that can be imported by Jade, .NET, and other web service consumers.

See "Using the Generated WSDL", later in this chapter, for an example of the Jade code defined for the getClient method in the ErewhonInvestmentsService subclass (created in the example under "Creating a Web Service Class", earlier in this chapter).

When you have specified your web services options and clicked the Generate WSDL button on the Web Services sheet of the Define Application dialog, the common Save As dialog is displayed, to enable you to specify the location and name of the generated file.

The generated WSDL file (of type .wsdl) is based on the following entities.

As changing any of these entities can make a previously generated WSDL incompatible, it is important that you design your web service carefully and use some form of version control to detect requests from web service consumers who may be using a WSDL version that is no longer compatible.