Finding an Existing Web Services Exposure

You can search for an existing exposure in the current schema by name.

To find a Web Services exposure

  1. Select the Find command from the Exposure menu or right‑click on the Web Services sheet of the Exposure Browser and then select the Find command from the popup menu. The Find Exposure dialog is then displayed, listing the current exposures in alphabetic order.

  2. In the Find text box, specify text to identify the exposure you want to locate.

    The list is filtered when you specify text in the Find text box, so that the displayed exposures are only those entries that contain the specified text. The text is case‑insensitive or if the specified text is all uppercase, the entries with the same Pascal case are located; for example, WSOHA matches WebServiceOverHttpApp. If all text entered after the first character is uppercase, the list includes all entries in which the first character of the entity name matches the first entered character and the entity name has uppercase characters that match the order of the remaining entered uppercase text.

  3. Select an entry in the Select Required Entry list and then click the OK button.

The Web Services exposure is then selected in the Exposure Browser.

2020.0.01 and higher