Appendix A    Jade Limits

This appendix covers the Jade limits, which are listed in the following table.

Item Maximum Limit
Application name 100 characters
Armed local exception handlers for each called method 128
Authentication protocol key size 512 bytes
Binary large objects (blobs) and string large objects (slobs) in a class 65,535 (combined total)
Binary length 2,147,483,647 bytes
Binary length in an array with membership of type Any 16,000 bytes
Binary length in a user‑defined BinaryArray 16,000 bytes
Bubble help display 2,000 characters
Characters displayed in a line of a JadeTextEdit control The first 8190 characters
Collection entries 2^32-1 (4,294,967,295)
Collection physical block size 256*1024 (262,144)
Columns in a table control 16,000
Combo box (collection display) 32,000 items
Concurrent processes across the entire database 2^16-1 (65,535)
Control caption 32,767 characters
Control name 86 characters
Data returned when a string is updated by the read instruction 2048 characters
Database file name and path 260 characters
Database partition identifier 2^32-15
Database file size 2^64-1 (approximately 16 Exabytes)
Date Date – earliest that can be formatted 1 January 1601
Date – latest that can be formatted 31st December 30827
Decimal variable maximum precision 23 digits
Delta name 8 characters
Dictionary key size (when concatenated)

512 key units

A key unit is a byte for any non‑character data type, or one character for any character data type; that is, key sizes are string‑encoding agnostic. Key sizes also must allow for a null character to terminate any strings; characters are not null‑terminated.

Dynamic property clusters in a class 65,535
Event method name For controls, the concatenation of the property name and method name cannot exceed 100 characters
Exclusive collections (subobjects) in a class 65,535
External function and external method entry point 255 characters (with any entry point longer than 100 characters enclosed in single quote or double quote characters)
File loaded into a JadeTextEdit control The smaller of 50M bytes or a tenth of the physical memory
Font name 31 characters
Form caption 255 characters
Form name 100 characters
Height of form or control 32,767 pixels
Host name 1,024
Hyperlink string 64,000 characters
Instances of a class 2^64-1 (approximately 16 Exabytes)
Integer variable -2,147,483,648 through 2,147,483,647
Integer64 variable -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 through 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
Interpreter Output Viewer display 4M bytes of text, truncated to the nearest full line

JadeBytes content retrieved by the getContent method

The smaller of 1G byte or a third of the physical memory

JadeBytes instance

1,019G bytes, approximately
JadeDynamicObject property name 100 characters
List box (collection display) 32,000 items
List box level 63 items
Local variable and local constant identifiers 100 characters
Map file name 100 characters
Menu caption 100 characters
Methods in a class 65,535
Nested exceptions 20
Nested levels for read transactions (bracketed by beginLoad / endLoad, and beginLock / endLock instructions) 255
Network address (IPv6) 65
Notifications containing binary or string (Binary, String, StringUtf8) data 48K bytes when data is sent across the network; 2G bytes for applications running within the server node in single user and server applications only
Parameters in a Jade method, external method, or external function 129
Partitions in a database file 2^32 (4,294,967,296)
Password length 30 characters
Pipe name string 256 characters
Printer title 4,294,967,295 characters
Profiled methods that can be reported 65,535
Properties in a class 65,535
Queued resource lock 32,767 seconds
Range of Application::random method 32,767
Real variable -1.7 x 10^308 through 1.7 x 10^308
Rectangle width or height 32,767 units
Rows in a table control or External Schema Wizard table 32,000
Schema entity name 100 characters
Server name 30 characters
Sheet of a table 16,000 columns and rows
String length 2,147,483,647 characters
String length in an array with membership of type Any 15,999 characters
String length in a user‑defined StringArray 15,999 characters
StringUtf8 length 2,147,483,647 characters
StringUtf8 length in an array with membership of type Any 8,000 UTF‑8 characters
StringUtf8 length in a user‑defined StringUtf8Array 8,000 UTF‑8 characters
Sorted columns in a table 6 columns
Tab order 9 digits
Tab stops in the editor pane 64
Table control 63 sheets
Tag (form or control data value) 32,767 bytes
Timer interval 2,147,483,647 milliseconds
Translatable string name 100 characters
Translatable strings in a locale 65,535
User class number 999,999
User classes 997,952
User code 30 characters
User database files 65,286
User identification 29 characters (30, including the null terminator)
Web application pipes 62
Width of form or control 32,767 pixels
Window object description 32,767 characters