
The PurgePartition action executes a bulk-removal operation that performs the required side-effects of deleting each object in the partition, and then deleting the partition. The deletion step removes the file from the file system and changes its state to deleted. Because the objects and subobjects in the partition are not physically deleted, file maintenance and auditing overheads are avoided.

You can purge a current partition. If a purge is in action, a create or an update operation attempt fails and exception 3186 (Operation not valid: partition being purged) is raised. If this exception is raised, coordinate partition administrative actions with application availability requirements.

Objects and subobjects in the partition are not physically deleted, which means all updates to the partition file and associated per-object journaling overheads are avoided. Call the JadeDbFilePartition class purgeInstances method to do the work.

The object deletion side-effects that are affected include:

The syntax of the PurgePartition action is as follows.

jdbadmin action=PurgePartition
         file=file-name [part=partition-ID

The path argument is optional in multiuser mode.

The required file and part arguments specify the target file partition.