Using the Restore Journals Command

Use the Restore Journals command from the Operation menu to initiate the offline restoration of a specified transaction journal. Transaction journals can be restored when you do not currently have an open database.

To restore your transaction journal

  1. Select the Restore Journals command from the Operation menu.

    The Restore Journals dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. In the Database Directory combo box, specify or select the path of the database directory, to which journals are restored. You must specify a directory that is valid on the server.

    Alternatively, click the adjacent browse button (indicated by the … points of ellipsis symbol) to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables you to select the database directory to which your backed up transaction journals will be restored.

  3. In the From Directory combo box, specify the fully qualified name of the directory to which your transaction journals were backed up or select the required directory from the drop-down list. Alternatively, click the adjacent browse button (indicated by the … points of ellipsis symbol) to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables you to select the directory in which your journals are backed up.

  4. In the First Journal Number text box, specify the number of the first journal file that you want to restore from backup.

    Alternatively, specify only the number of that file if you want to restore one journal file only. For example, enter 3 in this text box to restore only the journal file db0000000003.log.

    An error is returned if you do not specify a valid file number in this text box.

  5. If you want to restore a range of files, in the Last Journal Number text box specify the number of the last journal file that you want to restore; for example, 9 (if you want to restore files up to and including db0000000009.log).

    If you do not specify a journal file in this text box, only the journal file specified in the First Journal Number text box is restored. You can specify a single journal file, or the start and end files in a consecutive range of files. You cannot specify a non-consecutive file range.

  6. Click the OK button, to initiate the offline restoration of your transaction journals. Alternatively, click the Cancel button, to abandon the restore transaction journal operation.

While the operation is running, a progress dialog is displayed that enables you to monitor the progress of the operation. You can abort the run, by clicking the Cancel button. Information or errors from the restore transaction journal operation are recorded in the recovery.log file in the location specified by the ActivityLogDirectory parameter in the [PersistentDb] section of the Jade initialization file (documented in the Jade Initialization File Reference).

To view the log, select the recovery.log submenu from the View menu View Logs command. (For details, see "Viewing Log Files", later in chapter.)

When the operation is finished, the progress dialog is closed and the following message is displayed in the running report.

<<Journal restoration complete>>

You can now reopen your database.