Producing Journaling Rates Reports

Use the Journaling Rates command from the Operation menu to initiate the production of the journaling rates text file and comma-separated values (CSV) file reports. You can use these reports, for example, to plan capacity for an SDS connection.

The journalingrates.jra report contains an analysis of header and control information from audit records in the transaction journal, a separate section for the rates of each journal (for example, peak data and transaction rates), followed by a summary of the journal analysis of all selected journals, if you selected more than one.

The journalingrates.csv report, which you can use to load the data into a third‑party application such as Microsoft Excel, contains journaling analysis number information.

One line is produced for each sampling interval (which defaults to one minute, or 60000 milliseconds), with the comma-separated fields representing:

date, time, bytes‑per‑interval, active‑transactions‑per‑interval, commit‑transactions

To output journaling rate details to text and CSV files

  1. Select the Journaling Rates command from the Operation menu.

    The Journaling Rates dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. In the Journal File Directory combo box, specify or select the path in which the transaction journals that you want to sample are located; for example, d:\jade\system\journals\current. Alternatively, click the adjacent browse button (indicated by the … points of ellipsis symbol) to display the common Browse for Folder dialog that enables you to select the journal directory in which the journal or journals are located.

    The numbers of the first and last journal files in that directory are then displayed in the First Journal Number and Last Journal Number text boxes. If that directory contains one journal only, that journal number is displayed in both text boxes.

  3. In the First Journal Number text box, specify the number of the first journal file whose rates you want to sample. Alternatively, specify only the number of that file if you want to sample one file only. For example, enter 3 in this text box to sample rates of only the journal file db0000000003.log. An error is returned if you do not specify a valid file number in this text box.

  4. If you want to sample rates of a group of files, in the Last Journal Number text box specify the number of the last journal file whose rates you want to sample; for example, 9 (if you want to sample rates of files up to and including db0000000009.log). If you do not specify a journal file in this text box, only the rates of the journal file specified in the First Journal Number text box are sampled. You can specify a single journal file, or the start and end files in a consecutive group of files. You cannot specify a non-consecutive file range.

  5. In the Sampling Interval text box, specify the number of minutes at which the journaling rates are sampled, if you do not want the specified journal file or files sampled every minute, (that is, the default value is 1).

  6. Click the OK button, to start the journaling rates reports. Alternatively, click the Cancel button, to abandon the operation.

While the operation is running, a progress dialog is displayed that enables you to monitor the progress of the operation. You can abort the run, by clicking the Cancel button. When the operation is finished, the progress dialog is closed, the running display provides a completion report highlighting the number of errors that were encountered, and the following message is displayed.

<<Journaling Rates complete>>

Journaling rates reports are output to a comma-separated values file named journalingrates.csv and a text file named journalingrates.jra in the same directory as the journal file or files selected for analysis.

If you perform this operation again, any existing journalingrates.jra and journalingrates.csv file reports in that directory are overwritten.