Find Command

Use the Edit menu Find command to locate text in a log file.

To limit your search, perform one of the following actions

To locate and optionally replace text in the log file viewer

  1. Select the Find command from the Edit menu. Alternatively, press Ctrl+F.

    The Find dialog is then displayed.

  2. Specify your search or replace options in the Find What text box, as appropriate.

  3. If you want the exact match by case (where uppercase or lowercase is significant), check the Match Case check box.

    A search is then performed for text with the same capitalization as the text in the Find What text box. By default, this option is not selected.

  4. If you want to search backwards through the contents of the log file from the current caret position up to the beginning of the file, select the Up option button.

    By default, the Down option button is selected (that is, the search is performed from the current position to the end of the log file.)

  5. Click on the OK button.

    Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selection, or click the Help button to obtain online help about this dialog.

To find the next occurrence of the text specified in the Find What text box, click the Find Next button.

If Jade finds the text string that matches your specified options, the located text is then highlighted, and focus is returned to the log file viewer.

If Jade cannot find the text string that matches your specified options, a message dialog informs you that the search text was not found, and waits for you to click the OK button in the message dialog, before returning focus to the log file viewer.