Validation Warnings for Date and Time Fields

The AtcgReplayApp application can return a warning instead of an error if a control contains a date or time value; for example, if a label caption contains "Status as at 12:23", where 12:23 is the current time, validation will always fail.

The string is considered as possibly containing a date or time if there is a number followed by a slash (/) or colon (:) character followed by another number and there are no other intervening characters other than spaces. As this must be true for the expected string and for the actual string, the following examples are candidates for warnings rather than errors.

"Status as at 12:23"
"1/ 3/2009"
"Filed on 3/12"

The following examples are not candidates for warnings rather than error.

"01 Dec 2009"

Enable the return of a warning instead of an error if a control contains a date or time value by specifying the following parameter with a value of true in the [ATCG] section of the Jade initialization file. The default value is true, but setting the value of the ValNoWarningsOverride parameter to true disables the date and time fields validation warnings.


The ValDateTimeWarningOnly parameter is ignored if the ValNoWarningsOverride parameter is not set to false.