Printing a Patch History Summary

To print the current Summary of Patches window

  1. Select the Print Selected command from the File menu. (You can print a patch history summary only when the Summary of Patches window is the current form; that is, it has focus.)

    The Print Patches dialog is then displayed, with only the option buttons in the Print Options group box enabled so that you can specify where you want the output directed.

  2. If you do not want the patch history summary output to the printer (the default), select the Print Preview or the RTF File option button, as required.

  3. Click the OK button to initiate the printing of the patch history. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selection.

The patch history information that is output to your selected medium provides the following.

For details, see "Printing a Selected Schema Element", in Chapter 3 of the Development Environment User's Guide.