Displaying a Patch History Summary

Use the Browse menu Patches command from the Schema Browser to display a summary of the changes made to the current schema.

You cannot display a patch history summary for a schema unless global patch versioning is enabled for your Jade Platform development environment. (For details, see "Enabling or Disabling Patch Versioning", earlier in this chapter.)

Only one Summary of Patches window for the current schema can be open at any time. If a Summary of Patches window is already open for that schema, it is brought to the top when you select the Patches command from the Browse menu. You can have concurrent open Summary of Patches windows for different schemas in a development session, if required.

The patches summary table uses the background color, foreground color specified in User Objects, and font values specified on the Window sheet of the Preferences dialog.

The table automatically sizes the table entries and displays a horizontal scroll bar, if required.

For details about:

You can display the patch version summary to meet the following criteria.

You can also compare all source changes within the patch version and specify the order in which each element is displayed (for example, in alphabetical order of user or by the type of change).

To display a summary of patch version changes to the current schema

When you have selected your display options and then clicked the Refresh button, the Summary of Patches window, shown in the following image, displays all changes that meet your selection criteria (sorted in descending order of time, by default).

The status line displays the fully qualified name of the entity selected in the summary table; that is, schema, class, and feature (method, property, or constant) name.