Form Class Methods

The Form class allowWebPrinting, generateHTML, and generateHTMLStatic methods are summarized in the following table.

Method Description

Enables you to set the allow parameter to true to generate slightly different HTML that is compatible with some legacy web browsers (for example, Internet Explorer 4.0). This parameter is set to false, by default.

Setting the allow parameter to true for these legacy web browsers enables the correct printing of the contents of the web page when the Print command is selected in the web browser File menu. The requirement of this setting is content-dependent; for example, sometimes legacy browsers may not print segments or pages of the displayed web page because of the way that browser handles the style sheet settings.

generateHTML Generates the HTML string for the form, which can be subsequently manipulated before being sent back to the web browser. It can also be saved as a file to obtain a snapshot and this file can then be periodically updated (using notifications, for example). This helps reduce generation and Graphics Device Interface (GDI) overhead in situations where the data seldom changes or it is not necessary to have the most current data available.
  When the generateHTML method is called to generate an HTML string, the HTML is generated without word wrapping when the wordWrap property is set to the default value of false. Set this property to true if you want an HTML string in a table cell generated with word wrapping.
generateHTMLStatic Generates the static HTML string for the form and builds the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) action line using the specified web server machine name, virtual directory on the web server, and protocol for transmitting data (for example, HTTP or HTTPS).