Extracting Schemas as a Non-GUI Client Application

You can use the JadeBatchExtract application in the jadclient non-GUI client application to automate the extraction of your user-defined schemas, passing command line arguments after the startAppParameters parameter to specify your extract requirements. For details about:

To extract schemas as a non-GUI application, specify the following parameters in the jadclient program.

jadclient path=database-path

The arguments that you can specify after the startAppParameters parameter are listed in the following table.

Argument Format Description
Class schema‑file‑name forms‑file‑name schema‑name class‑name Extract a class from the current schema context of the specified schema and type
CL schema‑file‑name forms‑file‑name schema‑name class‑name Extract a class from the latest schema context of the specified schema and type
Multiple multiple-schema-file-name schema-name-list Multiple schema extract from the current schema context for the listed schemas
ML multiple-schema-file-name schema-name-list Multiple schema extract from the latest schema context for the listed schemas
Patch schema-file-name forms-file-name patch‑number schema‑name Extract a patch from the current schema context of all changes made against the patch number for the specified schema
PL schema-file-name forms-file-name patch-number schema-name Extract a patch from the latest schema context of all changes made against the patch number for the specified schema
Version multiple-schema-file-name patch-version-number Extract a patch from the current schema context of all changes made to all schemas against the patch number
VL multiple-schema-file-name patch-version-number Extract a patch from the latest schema context of all changes made to all schemas against the patch number
Single schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract from the current schema context of the specified schema
SL schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract from the latest schema context of the specified schema
File schema-file-name forms-file-name parameter‑file‑name schema-name Extract from the current schema context using a parameter file
EL multiple-schema-file-name Multiple schema extract from the latest schema context of every user-defined schema
B schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract a stub version of a schema from the current schema context of a schema containing a package
BL schema-file-name forms-file-name schema-name Extract a stub version of a schema from the latest schema context of a schema containing a package
<encrypt> "<encrypt>" Encrypted schema source files
delta delta-identifier Extract a specific delta when extracting a schema from a parameter file
<compactddx> <compactddx>

Optionally extract a compact DDX (XML) file

For details about extracting:

When specifying extract arguments:

You cannot use the jadclient program to automate the extraction of schemas from a deployed environment, as the internal system‑only JadeSchema schema from which batch extractions are run is not present in deployed databases.

The following examples show the use of the jadclient program to extract schemas.

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Every c:\temp\myschemas.mul
// The EL argument is a synonym of the Every argument

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters File c:\jade\test\Sales.scm c:\jade\test\Sales.ddb|ddx c:\SalesBits.unl Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters SL "c:\temp\Sales.scm" "c:\temp\Sales.ddx" Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Version c:\temp\versionchgs.mul 4

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Multiple c:\temp\selected.mul Sales Accounts Orders

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Single "c:\dir with space\Sales.scm" "c:\dir with space\Sales.ddb|ddx" Sales

jadclient path=r:\jade\system ini=r:\jade\system\myjade.ini server=multiUser host= port=6005 schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Single Sales.scm Sales.ddb|ddx Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini server=singleUser schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Single c:\temp\myTest.scm c:\temp\myTest.ddb|ddx Test "<encrypt>"

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters Patch c:\jade\Test\Sales.scm c:\jade\test\Sales.ddx 2 Sales

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters B c:\temp\S1Stub.scm c:\temp\scmS1.ddb|ddx S1

jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini schema=JadeSchema app=JadeBatchExtract startAppParameters PL c:\Extracts\SpeedSend.scm c:\Extracts\SpeedSend.ddb|ddx 5 SpeedSend