User Database Conversion Examples
The following command prompt example converts all database files, including user schemas and user data. This example is a single-threaded copy.
jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters defaultPath=/jade/system userSchema=true
The following command prompt example converts five user database files, splitting the output between two directories. This example is a single-threaded copy.
jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters defaultPath=/jade/system mapfile1 mapFile2 userPath=/jade/system1 mapFile3 userPath=/jade/system2 mapFile4 mapFile5
The following command prompt example converts user database files in groups of five in parallel. The control file is to be recreated.
jadclient path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\test\jade.ini schema=RootSchema app=JadeConvertDb startAppParameters defaultPath=/jade/system copies=5