Running a Database Server Node as a Windows Service

You can run a database server node as a Windows service, as shown in the following example.

jadserv path=c:\jade\system ini=c:\jade\system\jade.ini start

The jadserv executable command has the following argument values.

jadserv path=database-path 

The optional quiet argument suppresses message boxes relating to the action being performed.

Each invocation of jadserv.exe can specify one only of the install, uninstall, remove, start, startsync, stop, stopsync, or run action arguments for the service.

The run argument, specified in the registry command line, runs the service started by the Microsoft service manager.

If the jadserv command line does not contain the service=name‑of‑service argument, the service defaults to the value of the NodeName parameter in the [JadeServer] section of the Jade initialization file. If that is not present, the name of the service defaults to JadeServerNode.

See also "Installing and Running the Jade Remote Access Program" and "Running a Database Server Node as a Console Application", elsewhere in this document.